
Friday 18 August 2017

Thursday 6 July 2017


This story is about a crocodile’s jandals that his aunty alligator got him for Christmas. One day he goes to the beach for a barbeque and leaves his jandals on the beach. When he goes back to put his sandals on they weren't there. Instead he finds a red one. On Friday there is a football game. The crocodiles cheers for the crocodiles but a girl there was cheering for the Avon Aces. The girl was wearing his jandal and he was wearing her jandals. They both said, “You have my lost jandal.” Then they both swap their jandals. The Crocodile is once again walking happy in party time.
4.4 Wild Cat: Character study Wild cat is mysterious because we do not get to know about him. He is also clever because he made a deal with the women. He wanted the women to say three good thing. If the women says three thing he can came in. And if the women says two thing he can sit by the fire. But if she says one thing he can drink the warm milk.

about NZ people

Activity 1: About NZ people Kai ora means “hello. New zealand has 4.4 million people The bungy jump was one of new zealand’s famous in pack